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"Intelligent Vibration Control in Civil" Engineering Structures provides readers with an all encompassing view of the theoretical studies, design methods, and real-world implementations and applications relevant to the topic. The book focuses on design and property tests on different intelligent control devices, innovative control strategies, analysis examples for structures with intelligent control devices, and design and tests for intelligent controllers. Focuses on the principles, methods and applications of intelligent vibration control in civil engineeringCovers intelligent control, including active and semi-active controlComprehensive contents, including design and properties of different intelligent control devices, control strategies and dynamic analysis, intelligent controller design, numerical examples, and experimental data, Tackles the challenges posed in attaining a vision of the future by partnering with industry and academia to ensure that innovation in manufacturing systems is well-characterized and quantifiable, open, extensible, and reconfigurable, as well as safe and secure. This book covers intelligent control including active and semi-active control., The "Intelligent Systems Series" encompasses theoretical studies, design methods, and real-world implementations and applications. It publishes titles in three core sub-topic areas: Intelligent Automation, Intelligent Transportation Systems, and Intelligent Computing. This volume, "Intelligent Vibration Control in Civil Engineering Structures," focuses on design and property tests on different intelligent control devices, some innovative control strategies and analysis examples for structures with intelligent control devices, and design and tests on intelligent controllers. This book s primary focus is on the principles, methods and applications of intelligent vibration control in civil engineering Covers intelligent control including active and semi-active controlComprehensive contents including design and properties of different intelligent control devices, control strategies and dynamic analysis, intelligent controller design, numerical examples, and experimental data", The Intelligent Systems Division tackles the challenges posed in attaining a vision of the future by partnering with industry and academia to ensure that innovation in manufacturing systems is well-characterized and quantifiable (through development of a measurement science), open, extensible, and reconfigurable (through development of interoperability standards), as well as safe and secure (through industrial control network security standards). To target these challenges, our Division's work is organized into three programs: The Measurement Science for Manufacturing Robotics and Automation Program provides means of characterizing, measuring, and assuring the performance of advances in technologies that make possible manufacture of higher quality and more complex parts and assemblies through predictable, well-characterized manufacturing equipment. Flexible, reconfigurable manufacturing systems and model-based manufacturing require well-defined and rich information transfer, which is addressed by the Robotics and Automation Interoperability Standards Program. The Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Control Systems and Network Standards Program responds to the need for safe, secure, and reliable manufacturing systems. The Intelligent Systems Division is world-renowned for its accomplishments in development of measurement science, tools, and interoperability solutions for leading-edge mobile robots and other complex automation that has been applied to defense, transportation, and security. We continue to support other agencies in evaluating advanced technologies and also bring this core competence to bear in our work within the manufacturing domain This book s primary focus is on the principles, methods and applications of intelligent vibration control in civil engineering Covers intelligent control including active and semi-active control. Comprehensive contents including design and properties of different intelligent control devices, control strategies and dynamic analysis, intelligent controller design, numerical examples and experimental data. "

Jun-Tao Zhu - Intelligent Vibration Control in Civil Engineering Structures ebook DJV, FB2, TXT

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