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Ebook Advances in Marine Biology: Advances in Marine Biology 74 (2016, E-book) by in MOBI, EPUB


Advances in Marine Biology, Advances in Marine Biology has been providing in-depth and up-to-date reviews on all aspects of marine biology since 1963 -- more than 50 years of outstanding coverage from a comprehensive serial that is well known for its contents and editing. This latest addition to the series includes updates on many topics that will appeal to postgraduates and researchers in marine biology, fisheries science, ecology, zoology, and biological oceanography. Specialty areas for the series include marine science, both applied and basic, a wide range of topical areas from all areas of marine ecology, oceanography, fisheries management, and molecular biology, and the full range of geographic areas from polar seas to tropical coral reefs. Reviews articles on the latest advances in marine biology Authored by leading figures in their respective fields of study Presents materials that are widely used by managers, students, and academic professionals in the marine sciences Provides value to anyone studying bottlenose dolphins, deep-sea macrofauna, marine invertebrates, pinna nobilis, and ecology, amongst other study areas, The series Advances in Marine Biology has been providing in-depth and up-to-date reviews on all aspects of marine biology since 1963 -- more than 50 years of outstanding coverage from a reference that is well known for its contents and editing. This latest addition to the series includes updates on many topics that will appeal to postgraduates and researchers in marine biology, fisheries science, ecology, zoology, and biological oceanography. Specialty areas for the series include marine science, both applied and basic, a wide range of topical areas from all areas of marine ecology, oceanography, fisheries management, and molecular biology, and the full range of geographic areas from polar seas to tropical coral reefs. Reviews articles on the latest advances in marine biology Authored by leading figures in their respective fields of study Presents materials that are widely used by managers, students, and academic professionals in the marine sciences Provides value to anyone studying bottlenose dolphins, deep-sea macrofauna, marine invertebrates, pinna nobilis, and ecology, amongst other study areas

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