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Book Understanding EU Internal Market Law by Norbert Reich in DJV


This book provides a detailed analysis of the objectives, principles, and methods of EU internal market law. It focuses on the substantive law of the internal market: the strongest, most developed, and most original part of EU law. It introduces the reader to the legal peculiarities of EU internal market law, including its sources, instruments, methods of interpretation, effects, and the relationship between EU and national law. It also acquaints the reader with the acquis communautaire - the case law of the European courts and secondary EU legislation. From this starting point, the book looks at the issue of personal application of EU law. From being only a law for market citizens (individuals acting in the market), EU law has become the law for all citizens and residents living in Member States, whether they are active market participants or not. Thus, EU law determines everybody's everyday rights and duties alongside (and occasionally overriding) existing national law. This is based on the principle of equal treatment. What follows is an analysis of the original liberal esprit des lois of EU law, the opening and keeping open of markets through the free movement rules, and competition and IP rules. The current trend of setting adequate standards - the most important the horizontal standards, applying to everybody, such as non-discrimination and fundamental rights - is discussed as well. A special chapter is devoted to autonomy, since the generous, but not unlimited, grant of autonomy to the market citizen must be respected by Member States and fellow market citizens. Finally the question of accountability and liability - of the EU itself, of its Member States, of undertakings, and of citizens - is discussed. This third edition is a joint work by three authors coming from different jurisdiction. Its starting point is not any one national legal background and thinking. Instead it combines different national experiences into a substantially European approach.

Understanding EU Internal Market Law by Norbert Reich download ebook DOC, MOBI, FB2

This targeted test guide is designed for teachers and students in PARCC(r) states, and is fully aligned with the Common Core standards.On paper, Stockholm is paradise.There have been many accounts of the EU as a story of constitutional evolution and a system of transnational governance, but few which pay sustained attention to the implications for justice.The EU today has moved beyond its initial and primary emphasis on the establishment of an Internal Market, as the growing importance of EU citizenship and social rights suggests.